• Praise Bacon

United Church of Bacon Revival – Burning Man 2013 edition

UCB going to Burning Man

Representatives of The United Church Of Bacon are headed for the pilgrimage to Burning Man 2013 in the Black Rock desert.

For those not familiar with Burning Man:

There are no rules about how one must behave or express oneself at this event (save the rules that serve to protect the health, safety, and experience of the community at large); rather, it is up to each participant to decide how they will contribute and what they will give to this community. The event takes place on an ancient lakebed, known as the playa. By the time the event is completed and the volunteers leave, sometimes nearly a month after the event has ended, there will be no trace of the city that was, for a short time, the most populous town in the entire county.

The mission is to experience, learn, share, entertain and spread the greasy word of bacon.

For those attending look for the Praise Bacon compound on John Frum.

Come by and meet Prophet John, Michelle the Sorceress and Cameron Winters.

If you are feeling musical join star of stage, screen, podcasts Ardent Atheists and Skeptically Yours  Heather Henderson with special guest (and European Bacon Prophet)  Julian Wepfer of Between Even. Bring your lyrics, drums, tambourines, horns,  hula hoops and wherever you wish to contribute to help us create new official hymns for our church.

We will also be sharing bacon sandwiches every morning while supplies last.